Jesus transfigures himself in front of Peter, James, and John. Now I don't know what transfigures means..but I can only think of the Power Rangers (sadly...). But I guess that's still a sight to see. To see something that's kinda raggedy, maybe bruised and tired turn into something like WHAM BAM CLEAN PURE. The scripture (ESV) says "intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them." I imagine Oxyclean over and over again and still can't compare. It just shows how radiant Jesus is and He promises that same whiteness when our sins are deemed clean and forgiven. I'm not sure what heaven will look like or what we'll even look like, but I know it's gonna be bright as no other. Pretty cool.
Jesus also heals a boy stricken w a demon because the boy's father has great faith in Jesus' ability. I like the end when the disciples are like...what..why couldn't we do that. And Jesus responds with "this kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer." I think that's a pretty clear, direct answer to how we should deal with our problems and miracle-beggings. Pray. Pray with passion. Pray with faith.
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