Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mark 12:35-44

What makes us so different from the scribes, and Pharisees, and high priests, etc etc? How are we not frauds to it all? Everytime I read about them...yeah I can see how the heart is deceitful and powerful of great lies to their faith. Then I look at my life and see the same thing. So what makes me any worse than them? I wish my intentions were pure all the time. I wish I had a gentleness that reflects Christ love. times I really don't. I am a fool for the normalities of this world where it's okay to do this or feel that. I read passages like loving God and loving people and yet I think about God and hate people (especially yesterday). So when I read how the scribes walk around with long robes and have the best seats in the synagogues, I see myself with the robe and sitting in the pew. Christ makes it clear that those people will receive "greater condemnation." If normal condemnation wasn't bad'll be greater. I do not want to be apart of that. But Christ gives hope. There is hope in Christ and to God's plan. He goes on to talk about the widow's offering and how she gives everything she had, all she had to live on. And maybe Jesus doesn't directly say it here, there are passages that allude that this widow will receive even greater riches in Heaven. Hundredfolds! I want to invest in that. I don't want to invest in greater way. I can only pray that God will give me a heart to steward my possessions better and to live a life that is more fruitful with a pure faith. The world is so fleeting, but it is attractive. I hope I can fixate my eyes to something more grand.

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