Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Acts 4:32-37

And they were of "one heart and soul". The new church was of "one heart and soul". I can't even fathom what that might look like. From the days of Adam and Eve, to those at the Tower of Babel, humans have been so uniquely shaped. Different in their walks of life, origins, language, personalities, etc, etc. But when they came together to start the early church, they were of "one heart and soul." That blows my mind that something so powerful like the Holy Spirit could change people so radically. They had everything in common and no one became needy because they had everything. They had their faith, their God, their Savior, and sustenance to survive. Oh how beautiful the early church.

I see the church now. I my own church. I see my own fellowship. And I see the grit and grind of brokenness and unsatisfaction in their faiths, their God, their Savior, and sustenance. The human race has been more broken by each generation...been more jaded by cultural developments...been more focused on themselves. It's so hard to have a body that is of "one heart and soul". But when there is brokenness, there is hope. Is that not the Gospel? Is that not why Jesus had to sacrifice himself for us? If Christ was risen. If the early church was "one heart and soul", then I don't see why not for all nations to proclaim that Jesus is King. I don't. There is hope in this brokenness. There is great hope in this brokenness. God, please give us hearts and souls that are fully devoted and in reverence of you. Dear God, please.

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