The persecution of the church begins with Saul. Can't wait to read about his transformation. Next passage talks about Simon the Magician. He is in awe of the power of the Holy Spirit and the wonders it performs. He is even willing to pay money for it. He gets rebuked by the Apostles because his heart is influenced not by the Spirit, but by self-righteousness. He only wants the Spirit to show himself off.
How is this not like man today. Once again, I am atonished how similiar we are to these men of Jesus' time. Sure, society and culture nowadays is vastly different. But the heart of man has been the same for as long as when Adam and Eve fell out of Eden. So many times our hearts desire to do good. We grow up seeing "good vs bad" and all that jazz. We go through stages of conviction and hope. We see glimpses of joy and happiness. We desire a lot of things. However, sometimes these desires lead us to a road where we dominate everything (or try to at least). Just like Simon in this passage, he is amazed at the great things being town in his town. People are getting healed and evil spirits are fleeing. It's getting craaaaazy! And he wants that too. But he wants it for show. He's been a show for as long as he knows. And sure..doing good is a plus too. But that's why he gets rebuked. But he wants the glory. But Peter reminds him very sternly that the intent of his heart is wicked. It is self-centered, self-righteousness, self-pleasing. It is not a heart of God.
I want that heart of God. May I be sharpened by the words of the Bible to remind me what a heart of God does not look like.
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