Tuesday, September 16, 2014


"Repentance is a rich biblical term that signifies an elemental transformation in someone's mind, heart, and life. When people repent, they turn from walking in one direction to running in the opposite direction. From that point forward, they think differently, believe differently, feel differently, love differently, and live differently...Fundamentally, then, repentance involves renouncing a former way of life in favor of a new way of life."

Time to start running.

Monday, September 8, 2014


I am reminded of God's goodness yet again. That He is faithful in his promises, but even more generous in his giving. Count the blessings and stop more frequently to enjoy the small things in life. Persevere when times are tough. Endure the times when you feel alone and abandoned. Hope when you feel doubt and struggle to see a brighter future.

Remember these moments make you closer to the Creator of the beginning and end. A God in control and who has a will much more delightful than you can ever fathom. You hold onto the trivial emotions of the now, but be satisfied in the everlasting joy of the forever future.

Do big things this year. Live with joy and share it well with others. Chase hard after the Lord and be true to your commitments and disciplines. Do not settle for the instant gratifications but purify your mind for your lovely bride at the end of the aisle. Cherish your blessings and be fruitful in your ministry. 27. Do it big.

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.