Monday, March 26, 2012

Acts 8:26-40

This passage paints a great picture of what we are called to do as Christians. Not only to follow, but to follow with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To preach the good news and to baptize all the nations. People seem so content with knowing the truth, but knowing truth and living in the truth separates the men from the boys. The Holy Spirit is alive and well, but we often times just neglect to even call on Him. We think there's this huge endowment process to "receive" and be "equipped" with the Spirit. But I'm pretty sure Jesus said it pretty clearly...when He leaves, the Helper (Spirit) will come. Boom. Blam. Shawham. Done deal.

This passage is beautiful because Phillip trusts the Holy Spirit even as awkward as it might have looked in real life. To just get up and go and to approach a stranger. To ask him what he's doing, pestering him with questions, and then to lead him to Christ. People definitely don't go that route when they share the Gospel. It might not be "ideal" for them, but that's the beauty of when God does work versus when we think we do work. God takes those awkward situations and shows us amazement. When we are faithful, the kingdom is furthered by His doing, not us. And well, the end result is joyous ("...and the eunuch saw him [Phillip] no more, and went on his way rejoicing" (v39)).

May I be awkward for the sake of the Gospel.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Acts 8:1-25

The persecution of the church begins with Saul. Can't wait to read about his transformation. Next passage talks about Simon the Magician. He is in awe of the power of the Holy Spirit and the wonders it performs. He is even willing to pay money for it. He gets rebuked by the Apostles because his heart is influenced not by the Spirit, but by self-righteousness. He only wants the Spirit to show himself off.

How is this not like man today. Once again, I am atonished how similiar we are to these men of Jesus' time. Sure, society and culture nowadays is vastly different. But the heart of man has been the same for as long as when Adam and Eve fell out of Eden. So many times our hearts desire to do good. We grow up seeing "good vs bad" and all that jazz. We go through stages of conviction and hope. We see glimpses of joy and happiness. We desire a lot of things. However, sometimes these desires lead us to a road where we dominate everything (or try to at least). Just like Simon in this passage, he is amazed at the great things being town in his town. People are getting healed and evil spirits are fleeing. It's getting craaaaazy! And he wants that too. But he wants it for show. He's been a show for as long as he knows. And sure..doing good is a plus too. But that's why he gets rebuked. But he wants the glory. But Peter reminds him very sternly that the intent of his heart is wicked. It is self-centered, self-righteousness, self-pleasing. It is not a heart of God.

I want that heart of God. May I be sharpened by the words of the Bible to remind me what a heart of God does not look like.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Acts 7

It's still hard to imagine being a martyr for Christ. Shouldn't we all be for the sake of the Gospel? I guess some could beg to differ, but in Acts 7 we see Stephen, a man full of wisdom and grace. It even says he had a face of an angel (v15). Not sure what that looks like, but I bet it looks good. He's taken before the council because people are once again...jealous. He preaches to the people about the Old Testament and how all the events that led up to this point was God's plan so that He would be glorified as the Creator of everything. Yet the people just go crazy and are enraged (once again) with being called out. They eventually cast him out and stone him to death.

Though it doesn't look quite the same nowadays, the concept is still the same. When truth is spoken to someone hardened with their own self-righteousness, there's not much reception for it. Rather it's jealousy and anger. To them it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, it's offensive so it must be ignored. How silly does that look? Well in retrospective it always does. But when will we have a heart that doesn't see things in retrospect, but in the heat of the moment. I feel that lack of wisdom. I'm so quick to ignore and reject truth. It's truly a sad thing because I waste great moments to show that God is on my heart. Rather it shows the opposite. I can only continue praying that God will mold my heart to resemble His own.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Acts 5:17-42

This passage makes it very evident that man and God are incomparable. When man is "jealous" (v.17) and "enraged" (v.33), they make decisions that true to justify their sins. They throw them into jail so they can keep their pride. Or they want to kill them because other people oppose their views. All too common for the average man. And to think these were there high councilmen of the time, who were very esteemed and highly regarded by the common man. Even they falter easily. But God shows how great He is. He sends the Apostles the Holy Spirit to rescue them. He sends with the Spirit boldness for the Apostles to keep preaching "Life" (v.20) (I like wording). And well..the Apostles don't hesitate because they know God is better (and smarter) than men. They even say it straight up that God is in charge and not man (v.29).

There is even a smart Pharisee sighting in the passage. Typically throughout the Bible the Pharisees are men who know the law, but do not have it. They are the "hypocrites" of the Biblical world. But in this instance, Gamliel is a smart dude. He reasons that whenever man tries to start a revolution, it will fold under. Man will fail because man isn't capable of great things. So he warns that well...if the Apostles teaching is by man alone, it'll fold. BUT if it's God's doing then watch the frick out because you don't want to mess with that. Finally, a man with some sense. Give that man a cookie!

I think we can easily take from Gamliel's insight. Man alone will fail. No doubt about it. Let's not oppose God's plan. If you don't know God's plan, don't guess. Pray about it. Ask for God to reveal it. Don't just make an assumption. Because we all know what happens to people when they assume.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Acts 4:32-37

And they were of "one heart and soul". The new church was of "one heart and soul". I can't even fathom what that might look like. From the days of Adam and Eve, to those at the Tower of Babel, humans have been so uniquely shaped. Different in their walks of life, origins, language, personalities, etc, etc. But when they came together to start the early church, they were of "one heart and soul." That blows my mind that something so powerful like the Holy Spirit could change people so radically. They had everything in common and no one became needy because they had everything. They had their faith, their God, their Savior, and sustenance to survive. Oh how beautiful the early church.

I see the church now. I my own church. I see my own fellowship. And I see the grit and grind of brokenness and unsatisfaction in their faiths, their God, their Savior, and sustenance. The human race has been more broken by each generation...been more jaded by cultural developments...been more focused on themselves. It's so hard to have a body that is of "one heart and soul". But when there is brokenness, there is hope. Is that not the Gospel? Is that not why Jesus had to sacrifice himself for us? If Christ was risen. If the early church was "one heart and soul", then I don't see why not for all nations to proclaim that Jesus is King. I don't. There is hope in this brokenness. There is great hope in this brokenness. God, please give us hearts and souls that are fully devoted and in reverence of you. Dear God, please.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Acts 4:23-31

The world is very similar in how it reacts to the Gospel as the world back in Jesus' days. The rulers of the land, or the "wise" ones, were afraid of change and transformation. They were afraid of what the power of Christ could really bring to the they rejected it. It seems very natural and many couldn't fault that. Many people today couldn't fault that either. Radicals are met headstrong by the conservatives and vice versa. Anything that seems uncomfortable will be met by opposition. But the Apostles were firm in the truth they believed in. Sure, not everyone believes in the same faith, the same God, the same Savior of life. But one thing they did not lack was the desire to boldly proclaim. However that is something the modern Christian movement seems to lack. Or maybe it's just me. I love worshipping the Lord. But, do I move with boldness? Do I carry myself with a Gospel of boldness? No, not really. Maybe it's because I don't pray for it. My heart may long for it, but my soul hasn't been.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Acts 4:1-22

"This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the bulders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (v11-12).
