Wednesday, August 28, 2013

its those people we read about in the news who express all their thoughts and emotions through outlets like this because they have no one to really listen. its those people who get lost in their own craziness that they do the most outrageous, unthinkable acts of immorality. i always wondered why, but im slowly understanding why. they were just in need. the world is in need. a bigger need than most people believe. those that dont believe in this need are just lying to themselves. itll be a sad realization for them one day when they are barely afloat. their minds will lost in left field and their hearts will be rotten to the core. they will wish that they could live in the past. but thus is life. it is a culmination and spiraling of man's brokenness fed by man's attempt to control it. we are all spiraling out of control. lost in this so-called life that we once believed would set us free. how foolish we are. how childish to believe that. ideal and reality are opposites, yet we imagine them as complements. stupid. what you know isnt something you can escape. but it can drown you. sucks. stay afloat a bit longer. or until your will is unwilling.

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