Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Acts 5:17-42

This passage makes it very evident that man and God are incomparable. When man is "jealous" (v.17) and "enraged" (v.33), they make decisions that true to justify their sins. They throw them into jail so they can keep their pride. Or they want to kill them because other people oppose their views. All too common for the average man. And to think these were there high councilmen of the time, who were very esteemed and highly regarded by the common man. Even they falter easily. But God shows how great He is. He sends the Apostles the Holy Spirit to rescue them. He sends with the Spirit boldness for the Apostles to keep preaching "Life" (v.20) (I like wording). And well..the Apostles don't hesitate because they know God is better (and smarter) than men. They even say it straight up that God is in charge and not man (v.29).

There is even a smart Pharisee sighting in the passage. Typically throughout the Bible the Pharisees are men who know the law, but do not have it. They are the "hypocrites" of the Biblical world. But in this instance, Gamliel is a smart dude. He reasons that whenever man tries to start a revolution, it will fold under. Man will fail because man isn't capable of great things. So he warns that well...if the Apostles teaching is by man alone, it'll fold. BUT if it's God's doing then watch the frick out because you don't want to mess with that. Finally, a man with some sense. Give that man a cookie!

I think we can easily take from Gamliel's insight. Man alone will fail. No doubt about it. Let's not oppose God's plan. If you don't know God's plan, don't guess. Pray about it. Ask for God to reveal it. Don't just make an assumption. Because we all know what happens to people when they assume.

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