Monday, February 13, 2012

Acts 1:1-11

I've decided to start the book of Acts. It's about the early Church after Jesus ascends up to Heaven. I think right now God has been starting to move in the community of believers to take hold the opportunity to further the kingdom in His church. So it'd definitely be fitting to see how the Apostles really engage this task of building the Church.

This passage deals with the affirmation of the Holy Trinity. Throughout most of the Gospels, the writers explicitly speak of the Father and the Son and their relationship. How the Father knows the Son completely and how to know the Father was through the Son. Now comes the last musketeer, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes me think of a closer, someone who comes and seals the deal. A closer is someone will an effective punch to reinforce everything that was done before him. I think many times people forget about the Holy Spirit when it comes to our faith and supreme power of God. Maybe it's hard to imagine a "spirit?" Maybe it's because the accounts of the Spirit aren't wham-blam-in-your-face like Jesus? Or simply...maybe people just don't recognize the Trinity has 3-in-1? I think as this year has progressed, I've definitely seen myself asking for the Spirit to lead. Do I know what that really looks But does that mean I don't yearn and long for it everyday? Well, course it doesn't. Jesus reinforces that we will "receive the power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you..." I've definitely neglected what that power could look like. It could be something simple like a 1-on-1 conversation to something moving within me of a conviction or a prayer. But just as I believe in the all-knowing, powerful Creator, God, and His Son, Jesus, I do know that the Holy Spirit impacts and moves me in a way where I'm left speechless. When I recount powerful moments of thoughts and actions where I just end up shaking my head and wondering..."where did that come from?" How I'm starting to realize that it was not me who moved, but it was something supernatural. Skeptics will always be skeptics, but one who lives by faith will always have a hope to pursue.

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