Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mark 10:17-31

Story bout the man with tons of wealth asking Jesus what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus knows that this man has done a lot that exemplify being a believer in God (following the commandments and such). Yet, Jesus also knows his heart loves money and it's an idol he can't give up. The man actually goes away sad bc he knows deep down inside that he couldn't give up this money for Christ. I think many see this story and kinda shake their heads bc the man seems so foolish about loving his possessions more than the God in flesh, Jesus Christ. I know I was shaking my head. But the more I think about's pretty evident that I am that guy. And it might not be money or any type of material possession. It is easily things my heart longs after: pride, self-righteousness, lustful desires. These things have definitely been a struggle and held my heart captive many times in my life which make me walk around from Christ sadden. But it is reassuring that Jesus doesn't just leave it at that and go about His day. He actually goes and teaches His disciples that when man tries to do things, he is unable to. Rather God is able to. He goes on to promise that when we abandon these things for the sake of Jesus, there will be even greater riches we will receive. "Hundredfold." Take the most precious gift of life and multiply it by 100. That's a lot of preciousness. But Jesus makes another point very clear. There will be persecution (v30) so it won't be an easy journey. I have to keep reminding myself that. The journey is long and very tough. It will not be smooth. It will not be ideal. And it will be impossible if I depend on myself.

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